- Capital Relief: Basel III-complied Capital relief Policy
- Lower weighted risk: Insured Financing Facilities achieve improved capital requirements for Lenders who can use freed-up capital for other financing and/ or alternative investments
- Additional exposure: allows Insureds to take additional exposure on obligors or markets if the Insureds already reached their internal exposure limit
- Access to additional markets: Able to penetrate markets outside normal risk appetite
- Credit Enhancements : Use Insurance as an additional credit enhancement or a secondary way-out

Covers the risks for a Financial Institution under facility agreements, backing the finance of an obligor’s open-account trade receivables
Covers the risks for a Financial Institution under facility agreements, backing the finance of an obligor’s open-account trade payables
Covers the risks for a Financial Institution under facility agreements, backing the finance of an obligor’s trade working capital
Covers the risks for a Financial Institution under facility agreements backing the finance of a specific trade project / contract
Covers the risks for a Financial Institution under a confirmed Letter of Credit issued by an FI, backing trade transactions
Covers the risks for a Financial Institution under indirect facility lines such as Letter of Credit, Letter of Guarantees and/or Bank Guarantees (Kafalah) backing an obligors trade finance requirements.